In this project we used our sustainable product development process to develop a solution to create mass market demand for sustainable housing. Our solution was a mass media communications strategy that used the influence of reality TV combined with leading edge behavioural science insights.
Behavioural Science Resarch to Reality TV
We worked with the New South Wales Government, CSIRO, and the Co-operative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living to develop a strategy for a behaviour change program with the objective of getting consumers to build more sustainable housing.
The solution developed using our methodology was a new Reality TV show called Renovate or Rebuild that harnesses the reach of popular mass media content (similar to shows like the Property Brothers or Grand Designs) with the latest behavioural science insights to drive consumer aspirations for sustainable housing.
Renovate or Rebuild has been licenced to a production company and premiered on Channel 9 on 4th October 2021 with an expected audience of over 3million.

About the Show
Renovate or Rebuild is a 60-minute lifestyle show where two teams compete to convince a family that they have the best solution to providing more space, comfort and reduced energy bills.
Team Renovate believe the family should renovate their existing home, while Team Rebuild think the family should knock down and rebuild.
In each episode you are taken on a journey through the design process as the teams juggle the challenges of meeting the clients brief and budget whilst aiming to create an amazing design for a home that is healthy, comfortable and efficient.
The two solutions are judged by an expert panel on style, sustainability, and cost but ultimately the decision will come down to the family – will they renovate or rebuild?

Preliminary economic modelling undertaken by the CSIRO to evaluate the impact of BlueTribeCo’s proposed strategy has found that accelerating Australia’s transition to sustainable housing using a mass media communication approach would deliver more than half a billion dollars of extra investment in the construction industry by 2030 and create over 7,000 new jobs resulting in two thirds of all new homes being built to a zero energy standard by 2040. It would also save Australians $600 million on their energy bills.
- New Homes built to Net Zero Energy Standard by 2030 50%
- New Homes Built to Net Zero Energy Standard by 2040 67%
MILLION Dollars Extra Investment in Construction Industry
New Jobs Created
MILLION Dollars Saved on Australians Energy Bills
Times more effective than an incentivised transition using grants and subsidies
Watch the pilot episode below.