Sustainable Products have a Problem

Consumers say they want sustainable products; surveys show that up to 70% are willing to buy them. But only 1% to 5% actually buy them — what’s the deal?

Well, it seems like our beloved eco-friendly items are facing an identity crisis, and Edwin Stafford, the marketing guru from Utah State University, has some wisdom to drop.

1. Focus on the Product

Back in the day, Philips tried to save the planet with the Earth Light, a $20 bulb that was all about being energy-efficient and planet-friendly.

The problem? As Stafford hilariously puts it, “I don’t buy light bulbs to save the planet. I buy light bulbs to illuminate my room.” Epic fail, right?

Philips got the hint, went all Sherlock Holmes on consumers, and found out they cared more about convenience than Mother Earth.

So, they rebranded it as Marathon, highlighting its long-lasting power.

Lesson learned: “What do consumers want?” Stafford asks. Green is good, but make sure your product’s other superpowers are stealing the spotlight.

Related:  How to uncover what your customers really want.

2. Get Really Specific

Just saying your product is “eco-friendly” won’t cut it in this savvy age.

According to McKinsey & Company and NielsenIQ, if you want to sell, you need to get down to the nitty-gritty.

Stafford breaks it down: “Consumers are becoming more knowledgeable about these issues.” So, skip the vague “environmentally sustainable” talk and go for specifics like “vegan” or “carbon zero.”

The result? Products with specific claims drive a whopping 8.5% more growth. Be the hero with a defined mission, not a vague eco-warrior.

Related:  How to use Behavioural Science to create sustainable products your customers will love.

3. Embrace the Mainstream

Are you preaching to the eco-choir when marketing your green gem?

Stafford says, “Hold up!” Focusing only on the eco-friendly crowd is like having a party and inviting only your mom. Boring!

Instead, hit up the mainstream influencers – the cool kids who don’t always wear the sustainability cape. Stafford insists, “That becomes much more credible and a more authentic message.”

Unilever’s research even proves that influencers have the most significant impact on green choices – a whopping 78%! Move over TV documentaries and news articles; the influencers are the real MVPs.

Related:  How we used TV to reach 3,241,328 people and take sustainable housing mainstream.

Case Study

We used these three tips when we developed a behaviour change program with the objective of getting consumers to build more sustainable housing.

In a world first, we developed a science based communications strategy involving the creation of a Lifestyle TV show called Renovate or Rebuild that integrated the latest research in behavioural science to accelerate the uptake of net zero energy/carbon homes and associated technology (eg electric vehicles) in Australia’s residential housing sector.

The show focussed on the benefits of living in a sustainable home like improved comfort, reduce running costs, and how good the home felt to live in.

We got very specific in how people could achieve this by focussing on the home energy rating.

And we went mainstream utilising influencers from Australia’s top rating reality TV show “The Block”.

The outcome was that we reached 3,241,328 viewers with our sustainable housing message, won Australia’s top sustainability award, and created a top rated TV show.

Click here to learn more about this project.


In a nutshell, as Stafford cleverly sums it up, people like the idea of eco-friendliness, but they’re most interested in buying things that work from people they trust.

So, if you want your green product to be the superhero of the market, make sure it has killer features beyond just being green.

Prioritize what consumers want, and you’ll be swimming in the green success pool.

As Stafford would say, “and you’ll get more green for your green products.”

So, gear up, eco-entrepreneurs – it’s time to give your green gems the marketing makeover they deserve!

If you want to learn more we have a range of free guides you can access on our free resources page or you can take our online course that will teach you how to better market and sell your sustainable solution.

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