3 Cheat Codes to Persuade Anyone on Sustainability


Convincing people to act on sustainability can feel like an uphill battle—kind of like trying to get your parents to go vegan or your friends to give up plastic straws. But it doesn’t have to be so hard! Behavioural science offers some pretty amazing hacks (yes, scientifically proven cheat codes) to make people more likely to take action. Whether you’re trying to persuade your team to adopt circular economy strategies or encouraging customers to buy your eco-friendly product, these tactics work like magic!

Here are three powerful ways to persuade anyone—backed by science.

Related: How to get more buy-in for your sustainability initiatives

Play the Future Card

We all love putting things off. It’s called “temporal discounting,” which basically means we’re much more likely to commit to something if it’s scheduled for the future.

If you want someone to sign up for your sustainability initiative, try asking them to commit for next quarter or next season. It’s way easier to say “yes” when it feels far off!

Use the Fresh Start Effect

Ever noticed how everyone’s super motivated to set goals on New Year’s Day? That’s the power of a fresh start date.

Research by Professor Katie Milkman in The Fresh Start Effect shows that people are more likely to act when they tie it to a landmark date—like the first day of spring or the start of a new week.

If you’re trying to get your team on board with a new green initiative, why not start on the first day of a new quarter or Earth Day? The fresh start effect gives a little extra motivational nudge.

Related: Influence and Persuasion – The role of social proof

Show Them the Crowd Is Doing It

Humans are pack animals—we love to follow the crowd. This is called social proof, and it’s a game-changer in persuasion.

Robert Cialdini’s study on hotel guests reusing towels proves this point: Simply telling people that “most guests reuse their towels” boosted participation by 45%!

So, when you’re trying to convince people to adopt a sustainability behaviour, show them that everyone’s already on board. Whether it’s slapping a “bestseller” label on your eco-friendly product or telling your team that most companies in your industry are adopting green practices, social proof can seal the deal.

Wrap Up: Science-Backed Persuasion for a Sustainable Tomorrow

Persuading people to act on sustainability doesn’t have to be a struggle.

By leveraging these three science-backed techniques—asking for future commitments, tying actions to fresh start dates, and using social proof—you’ll be well on your way to turning skeptics into sustainability champions.

Want to learn more?  Try these resources.

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