How to get others to take action on sustainability
Overview Are sustainability people some of the most frustrated people in the world? I have worked in sustainability for over 25 years and there have been many occasions in that time where I felt completely sick and tired of having to explain to others why they should...
How to use the Blue Ocean Strategy to scale Sustainability Solutions
Introduction As the world continues to grapple with the pressing issue of sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, more and more companies are recognising the need to shift their operations and strategies in order to align with these critical global...
The most important leadership skill for sustainability professionals
Overview I have been working in sustainability for around 26 years now and this article discusses the one skill I wish I have been taught when I started. It would have saved me countless frustrating conversations where I was trying to convince someone that this whole...
How to design a circular economy product into your business model
Introduction Whenever I talk with sustainability professionals I regularly hear people saying that what we really need is new technology to help us transform existing industries to be more sustainable because we usually associate an industry’s transformation with the...
How to design a Circular Business Model – Netflix shuts down its DVD by mail service
Linear business models are based on the following logic: take natural resources, make products for consumers that eventually become waste. Circular business models on the other hand contribute to a circular economy and are designed to achieve three key things....
How to Create Circular Economy Outcomes with these 6 Innovative Business Models
Introduction Whenever I talk with sustainability professionals I regularly hear people saying that what we really need is new technology to help us transform existing industries to be more sustainable because we usually associate an industry’s transformation with the...
Unlocking Sustainability Success: The Hidden Flaw in Gantt Charts and How to Overcome It
Same old story, same old result Over the years I have seen a very familiar story play out in organisations trying to integrate sustainability into their business. The story often goes like this… An incoming CEO wants to make a difference, declares sustainability a top...
4 Sustainability Mistakes to Avoid and How to Fix Them
Introduction According to a study of 300 companies, 81% of sustainability efforts fail or achieve mediocre results with only a paltry 4% of organisations achieving their sustainability goals. Whilst this study is now 5 years old many of the barriers identified like...