Our New Lifestyle TV Show to take Sustainable Housing to a Mass Audience
In this post you will learn about the latest behavioural science insights associated with consumers attitudes towards sustainability and how we are using this to create a new lifestyle TV show to drive the uptake of more sustainable homes.
Have you ever tried to convince someone to start using more sustainable practices, buy into your big idea to solve some major environmental or social problem, or simply tried to get your kids to turn off the lights when they leave the room only to be frustrated that they completely ignore everything you just told them?
You gave them all the right information, the business case was compelling, and don’t get me started on the moral imperative to address the major environmental and social challenges facing our world.
I am sorry to be the one to have to tell you this – but despite your best efforts you are going to continue to fail because science is not on your side.
Recently we were faced with the same frustrations but it was not just the kids we were trying to convince to turn the lights off and become more energy efficient, it was the entire housing industry. So we turned to the science for answers.
What the science tells us
In a comprehensive report into consumer behaviour and attitudes towards sustainable housing, researchers from the Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living found that the ‘top down’ approaches favoured by many in the industry which aim to educate or incentivise consumers to encourage low carbon choices are relatively ineffective in changing homeowners practices.
Arghhhh – you mean to tell me that all of the great resources we have on our website, the great fact sheets, energy efficiency policies, training videos, and rating tools don’t really work that well? Sort of – it turns out they are very important but need to be delivered at the right time. Leading with these resources is a bit like asking someone to marry you on a first date!
What the research found is that “sustainability should be communicated in a more mainstream way and in particular there was an opportunity to learn from mainstream broadcast media with an emphasis on entertainment and storytelling that has been shown to resonate with homeowner aspirations and lifestyles – and reflects and shapes the ordinary cultural context for home ownership/renovations.”
Translating the fancy researcher speak into normal language – what they found was that mainstream broadcast media shows like ‘The Block’ and ‘Grand Designs’ are highly influential in shaping consumer desires and consumption choices and that a more effective way to get people to adopt more sustainable practices is to use entertainment and storytelling.
The show is called “Renovate or Rebuild” where two teams compete to convince a family who need more space and love the area they live in that they have the best solution for creating the home of their dreams. Team Renovate believes that the family should retain the character of their home, renovate and extend to create a modern home. Team Rebuild believe the existing home is a lost cause and the only way to create their dream home is to knock it down and rebuild.
As the two teams duke it out to come up with the best idea the story will unpack issues like orientation of the home, access to natural light, ventilation, energy efficiency, solar power generation, construction waste etc.
The two solutions will be judged by an expert panel on criteria include style, sustainability, and cost but ultimately the decision will come down to the family – will they renovate or rebuild?
Here is the pilot episode ….

Dr Josh Byrne
Other than being known for that amazing hairdo he is best known for his role as the WA presenter on ABC TV’s Gardening Australia program, Josh is also a Research Fellow with Curtin University’s Sustainability Policy Institute (CUSP) and an Adjunct Associate Professor with the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New South Wales.
His research activities span high performance housing, water sensitive design and sustainable urban developments.

Team Renovate
The renovating duo made their mark on the record-rating season of Channel Nine’s, The Block and the inaugural season of Reno Rumble before launching into the world of home design with fervent passion.
Michael and Carlene are hosts of home renovation and lifestyle shows, Ready Set Reno on Channel 9’s 9Life and Open Homes Australia also on 9Life.
Meet the Team
Fun Stuff

Team Rebuild
Norm and Jess were contestants on Channel 9’s 2018 series of The Block.
A builder by trade, who owns his own company Mr Build, Norm was right at home amongst the dirt and rubble of The Block.
Woman of many talents, Jess is a two-time national lawn bowls champion, former tomato picker and mum to Freddie, four, and Matilda, and a co-host on Triple M’s breakfast show, Moonman in the Morning.
Team Rebuilds moto is “why renovate when you can detonate” and they prefer to start with a clean slate.
Meet the Team
Fun Stuff
Season 1 of Renovate or Rebuild will be broadcast in early 2021 on Channel 9Life channel with filming scheduled to commence in July 2020.
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